Sunday, February 11, 2007

Updating Pregnancy to Birth

Well, I have decided to keep this going and up date about 8 months worth of "stuff" over the next few days. The pregnancy went wonderfully and I counldn't have asked for anything better. The only problem that occured was some high blood pressure the last month of pregnancy. This caused me to stay in bed for a month. Each week that I visited the doctor didn't seem to give me hope that she was going to come any day soon. The doctor finally scheduled a date to induce.

Donnie and I went to the hospital at 9 pm on Monday, December 18th to begin the process. the next morning they started the pitocin and broke my water. the day went by and nothing was happening. After a non-eventful day the doctor decides to do a C-section since time was running out.

Megan faith was born at 12:40am on Wednesday, December 20, 2006. Her weight at birth was 8 pounds 1 ounce and 19 3/4 in length. We were able to bring her home on that Friday...Just in time for Christmas!!!!!

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