Wednesday, February 21, 2007


Megan went to the doctor's yesterday. The doctor took one look at her and said BIG BABY!!! She was 12.5 pounds putting her in the 90th percentile in weight. She grew from 21 5/8 to 22 3/4 in length (from 50th to 75th percentile in length). Megan had to get 4 vaccinations. She was brave through the first two, only crying normally. But when they switched legs to do the other two shots you would have thought she was about to sit up and slap the nurse. A BLOOD CURDLING CRY came from her mouth as she looked straight at me. I couldn't take it!!! I had to turn around and brush away the tears. Overall I think Megan did better with it than I did. I have two months to prepare my self for this again...

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Ugh...think about us on Monday. We get 5!! I'm a wreck about it!