Friday, September 21, 2007

My close friend Ashley and Ryan (husband) had their bouncing baby boy, Davis. He was 7 pounds 1 ounce and 20 1/2 inches in length. I heard that Ashley was a trooper through a few kinks in her birthing plan. When I say her today she looked wonderful and had that "mom thing" down pat. Congratulations to mommy and daddy! May your road ahead be the most joy est moments of your life!
Now, Davis....I hope you realize how special your mother is...she is an angel in disguise. Love her with all your heart even though she will love you a little more. Love your father too...he is a neat man (and I mean that in more than one sense!) You are his pride and joy...there is nothing you could do wrong. You have many who love you...God Bless.....

1 comment:

Kerri said...

Yeah! We're so excited your here! Can't wait to meet you in person. It's true about your parents, they're great!