Megan invited some friends to paint ornaments at Firefly. Anna Carol, Kerri, Will, Ashley, Sydney, and Mamoo were there. We missed Davis, Molly and Carson (he was sick), Sarah and Lyla (having family Christmas) and Erin, who had just given birth to Miss Mary Elizabeth! Megan said that it was a good excuse!!! We all enjoyed diving into painting and fellowship.
Tuesday, January 08, 2008
Monday, January 07, 2008
Megan had a blast on her first birthday. She didn't know what to think. Her Mamoo, Grammy, Aunt Ashley, Uncle Jim, Aunt Melanie, Aunt Marylou, Uncle Tasker, Cousins Will, Clara and Annie were there. We ate some dinner after opening all her wonderful gifts! After our bellies were full Megan dove into her cake (after a little help and encouragement).Party table in all it's decor....
Cupcakes and banner for the occasion.
Family there to celebrate.
Aunt Ashley playing with Megan and Baby Tad.
Megan beginning to practice her piano skills.
Mamoo encouraging her that the cake is a good notice mommy wasn't going to put her finger in Megan's mouth...OUCH!!!
Meganing getting the hang of it! Dive on in Girl!!!!
See what happens if you touch my cake!!!!!!
The end product after Meganzilla attacked the city of cake!!!I'm Pooped!
Making Cookies at the Sangalli'sMegan is enjoying the icing!!!
Molly and Sydney are taking a bite!
Poor Carson had to settle for a bitter cookie for him!
Kerri and Will....the battle for the sprinkles!
Megan is thinking...'I can do this anytime!!
Thanks to Kerri and Will for inviting us to a wonderful holiday treat! We all had fun decorating our cookies and eating them too! We will have to make this a tradition!!!!!